Management Skills Training
Course 2903 DAY COURSE
Course Outline
In this Management Skills Training course, you will learn the fundamental management skills and leadership competencies, including how to:
- Motivate and empower your teammates with passion
- Facilitate effective communication
- Delegate tasks clearly
- Develop a proactive customer-focused approach
- Enhance your leadership abilities through emotional intelligence
Management Skills Training Benefits
Apply core management behaviors and techniques to deliver optimal results
Enhance leadership ability by developing emotional intelligence
Communicate with, motivate, and empower your team
Delegate work to individuals and teams
Develop a management vision for success
Continue learning and face new challenges with after-course one-on-one instructor coaching
Management Skills Training Outline
Module 1: Setting the Stage for Great Management
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Define customer success
- Establish a sense of direction based on customer and organizational vision
- Adopt a continuous improvement mindset
- Empower people for high performance
- Identify stakeholder needs
- Map the stakeholder environment
- Identify mutual and conflicting expectations
- Establish success criteria for your team
Module 2: Applying a Model for Management Excellence
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Make the transition from expert to manager
- Manage people with more experience and skill
- Develop a management role model
- Adapt the model to your managerial situation
Module 3: Managing with Emotional Intelligence (EI)
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Develop three key interpersonal skills
- Work with others by applying integral interpersonal skills
- Respond appropriately in important situations
- Use emotional intelligence (EI) to lead by example
Module 4: Motivating Individuals for Performance
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Avoid the top demotivators
- Leverage motivators that work for everyone
- Maximize your impact on motivation
- Match motivators to individual expectations
- Identify people's basic needs
- Recognize and respond to generational differences
- Develop and apply a motivational strategy
Module 5: The Art of Delegation
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Create a spirit of partnership
- Set common goals for your team
- Apply a proven step-by-step process for delegation
- Determine individual strengths
- Build on natural talents
- Collaborate effectively for successful outcomes
Module 6: Achieving Goals Through People
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Set group norms for yourself and your team
- Establish shared purpose and mutual accountability
- Create an environment conducive to collaboration
- Enhance communication through a three-layer goal clarification model
Module 7: A Proactive Approach to Managing Performance
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Encourage others to achieve their potential
- Utilize continuous appraisal techniques
- Integrate coaching and appraisal to build performance
- Intervene effectively when performance goes off track
- Reinforce and redirect behaviors with constructive feedback
Module 8: Finding and Applying Your Management Style
In this module, you will learn how to:
- Craft your personal approach to management
- Create momentum and flexibility in your team
- Take action to implement your personal goals
- Challenge organizational constraints
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