FPM 232 Training: Applications in Contracting

Course 1322
Price: $1,672.00
Course Outline

Formulating a comprehensive strategy for contracting that addresses mission needs, requirements, and technology development is integral to acquisition management. In this FAC-P/PM FPM 232 training course, you learn to develop a plan for managing complex government projects and contracts that addresses solicitation, selection, and administration processes, including performance-based service agreements. Plus, this FPM 232 course will help you achieve FAC-P/PM Mid-Level certification.

Learning Tree’s FAC-P/PM training has been fully verified by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).

FPM 232 Training: Applications in Contracting Benefits

  • In this FPM 232 training, you will:

    • Develop key processes to determine and resolve capability gaps in complex government programs.
    • Apply FAR Parts 10 and 12 as needed to meet customer needs.
    • Prepare a comprehensive business plan with the contracting officer that aligns the efforts of key staff.
    • Write system requirements pertinent to a complex government IT project.
  • Prerequisites

    Two years of program or project management experience within the last five years.

  • Certification Information

    FAC-P/PM certification is awarded at the agency level, and requirements vary by agency.

Applications in Contracting Training Outline

Introducing the FAC-P/PM Program

  • Clarifying the FAC-P/PM initiative
  • Describing acquisition reforms
  • Establishing a culture of accountability
  • Identifying government and contractor equities

Module 1: Applying Contract Principles to Government Acquisitions

  • Choosing between contract types
  • Following basic contract principles
  • Progressing through the acquisition process
  • Deciphering a simple contract

Module 2: Developing a Requirements Process

Formulating an effective needs statement

  • Eliciting needs from user communities
  • Reviewing the needs statement

Conducting market research

  • Meeting customer needs with commercial items
  • Examining commercial business alternatives
  • Ensuring government funds are efficiently applied
  • Evaluating dual-use technologies for customer needs

Module 3: Managing the Requirements Process

Selecting a concept

  • Conducting financial cost/benefit analysis
  • Creating an OMB Exhibit 300 using OMB A-94 guidelines

Planning a technology development strategy

  • Gauging technology readiness
  • Constructing the acquisition plan

Gathering user requirements

  • Identifying well-formed requirements
  • Interfacing with engineering and change control processes

Developing the acquisition strategy

  • Forming a business partnership
  • Aligning programs with agency culture and structure

Module 4: Building a Technology Development Plan

Establishing the acquisition project baseline

  • Presenting technology demonstrations
  • Creating interoperability

Formalizing the acquisition strategy

  • Coordinating project elements
  • Planning for the OMB Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)

Module 5: Solicitation and Selection Processes for Complex Projects

Accomplishing pre-award activities

  • Generating the Responsibilities, Approval, Comment, Inform (RACI) Matrix
  • Creating a Statement of Objectives or Statement of Work (SOO/SOW)

Establishing the contract elements

  • Contract vehicle, incentive structure, and risk implications
  • Identifying appropriate terms and conditions

Formulating a competitive source selection plan

  • Weighing best value acquisitions
  • Addressing sole source issues

Following the source selection process

  • Conducting a technical evaluation
  • Making the contract decision

Module 6: Applying the Administration Process for Complex Contracts

Supporting contract administrative actions

  • Validating technical, cost, and schedule performance
  • Addressing security issues

Fulfilling Contracting Officer Representative (COR) duties

  • Distinguishing between authorized and unauthorized actions
  • Assisting in the contract modification process

Module 7: Negotiating Performance-Based Service Agreements

  • The seven steps to performance-based service acquisition
  • Ensuring proper oversight of contract efforts
  • Evaluating performance-based service agreements
  • Negotiating the required level of support
Course Dates
Attendance Method
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