An Introduction to Photoshop Training Course
Course 29523 DAY COURSE
Course Outline
This 3-day hands-on introductory Photoshop training provides a thorough overview of the interface, the tools, the features, tricks, and tips for using Photoshop CC. The course is an ideal combination of instructor-led demonstration and hands-on practice.
An Introduction to Photoshop Training Course Benefits
In this Photoshop training, you will learn how to:
- How to use photo correction techniques as well as different effects using the Photoshop platform.
- Use Photoshop in professional projects.
An Introduction to Photoshop CC Training Course Prerequisites
- Practical working knowledge of computers and basic Mac OS X or Windows skills
Introduction to Photoshop Training Course Outline
Lesson 1: Understanding How Digital Images Work
- About the PDF file format
- Understanding RGB and CMYK color models
- Image size vs. Resolution - What’s the difference?
- Pixel Aspect Ratio - Are all pixels square?
- Bits per channel - What does that mean?
- Alpha Channel - Why is this important to us?
Note: The curricula above comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at their discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Work Area
- Restoring default preferences
- Starting to work in Adobe Photoshop
- Using the tools
- Sampling a color
- Working with tools and tool properties
- Undoing actions in Photoshop
- More about panels and panel locations
Lesson 3: Basic Photo Corrections
- Strategy for retouching
- Resolution and image size
- Opening a file with Adobe Bridge
- Straightening and cropping the image in Photoshop
- Adjusting the color and tone
- Using the Spot Healing Brush tool
- Applying a content-aware patch
- Repairing areas with the Clone Stamp tool
- Sharpening the image
Lesson 4: Working with Selections
- About selecting and selection tools
- Using Cloud Documents
- Using the Magic Wand tool
- Using the Quick Selection tool
- Moving a selected area
- Using the Object Selection tool
- Manipulating selections
- Selecting with the lasso tools
- Rotating a selection
- Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso tool
- Selecting from a center point
- Resizing and copying a selection
- Cropping an image
Lesson 5: Layer Basics
- About layers
- Using the Layers panel
- Rearranging layers
- Applying a gradient to a layer
- Applying a layer style
- Adding an adjustment layer
- Updating layer effects
- Adding a border
- Flattening and saving files
Lesson 6: Quick Fixes
- Improving a snapshot
- Adjusting facial features with Liquify
- Blurring a background
- Creating a panorama
- Filling empty areas when cropping
- Correcting image distortion
- Extending depth of field
- Removing objects using Content-Aware Fill
- Adjusting perspective in an image
Lesson 7: Masks and Channels
- Working with masks and channels
- Using Select and Mask and Select Subject
- Creating a quick mask
- Manipulating an image with Puppet Warp
- Using an alpha channel to create a shadow
- Working with masks and channels
Lesson 8: Typographic Design
- About type
- Getting started
- Creating a clipping mask from type
- Creating type on a path
- Warping point type
- Designing paragraphs of type
- Adding a rounded rectangle
- Adding vertical text
Lesson 9: Vector Drawing Techniques
- About bitmap images and vector graphics
- About paths and the Pen tool
- Getting started
- Drawing a shape with the Pen tool
- Drawing a path traced from a photo
- Converting a path to a selection and a layer mask
- Creating a logo with text and a custom shape
Lesson 10: Advanced Compositing
- Arranging layers
- Using Smart Filters
- Painting a layer
- Adding a background
- Using the History panel to undo edits
- Upscaling a low-resolution image
Lesson 11: Painting with the Mixer Brush
- About the Mixer Brush
- Getting started
- Selecting brush settings
- Mixing colors
- Mixing colors with a photograph
- Painting and mixing colors with brush presets
Lesson 12: Exploring Neural Filters
- Understanding Neural Filters
- Getting started
- Exploring the Neural Filters workspace
- Improving complexion with Skin Smoothing
- Combining Neural Filters
Lesson 13: Saving your files
- Understanding file types
- Choose the right options and file type
- choosing a selection results in a full page refresh