Hands-On Introduction to R
Course 12683 DAY COURSE
Course Outline
This introductory R programming course provides hands-on experience using R, a programming language for statistical computing, machine learning, and graphics. R is widely used in diverse disciplines to estimate, predict, and display results. Students will learn how to use R to clean, analyze, and graph data in this course.
Hands-On Introduction to R Benefits
Perform computations in R
Load data sets from various sources into R
Transform data sets in preparation for analysis
Create tidy data using the Tidyverse packages
Visualize data with ggplot2
Fit models to data
Continue learning and face new challenges with after-course one-on-one instructor coaching
Important course information
- Experience with another procedural or object-oriented programming language, such as C, C++, Java, VB .NET, or SQL
- Familiarity with concepts, such as variables, loops, and branches with some experience using a text editor to edit program code
Exam Information
Optional Learning Tree exam available at the end of class
Chapter 1: Introduction to R
- Introduction to S, S-PLUS, and R
- Design of R
- Advantages of R
- Limitations of R
- The R GUI
- The R GUI
Hands-On Exercise 1.1
- The RStudio Interface
- The RStudio Interface
- RStudio Demo
- Setting Up a Custom CRAN Mirror
- Changing RStudio Options
- Naming Conventions, R Commands and Variables
- Basic Data Types
- Creating and Removing Variables
- Numbers and Character Types
- Functions and Packages
- Common Mathematical Functions
- Common Statistical Functions
- Common Probability Functions
- The tidyverse Family of Packages
- Installing tidyverse
- Character Processing Functions in the stringr Package
- Complex Character Manipulation Functions
- Complex Character Manipulation Functions II
- Complex Character Manipulation Functions III
- Miscellaneous Functions
- The Pipe Operator
- Pipe Operator Example
- Performing Calculations
- Executing Code in R Script File
- Executing Code in R Script File
Hands-On Exercise 1.1
- Introducing the Tidyverse
- Data Input
- Reading From a File
- Reading and Displaying a File
- Structure of the Data
- Reading and Writing to Excel File
- Reading From a Database Using the RODBC Package
- Reading From a Database Using the dbplyr Package
- Saving Data From R to Disk
Hands-On Exercise 1.2
Chapter 2: Aggregate Data Types and Computation
- Data Structures
- Numeric Vectors
- Vector Arithmetic
- Vector Arithmetic
- Generating Sequences
- Repeating with the rep() function
- Logical Vectors
- Boolean Operations
- Missing Values
- Character Vectors
- The paste() function
- Selecting and Modifying Elements of a Vector
- Selecting and Modifying Elements of a Vector
- Selecting and Modifying Elements of a Vector
- Getting Information about R Objects
- Examining a Vector
- Mixing Types in a Vector
- Factor Types
- Factor Types
- Conceptual Framework for Factors
- Factors for Numerical Data
- The forcats Package
- Using fct_infreq()
- Using fct_lump()
- Lists
- Naming List Elements
- Apply Functions to Lists
- Data Frames
- The Tibble
- Creating a Tibble From Vectors
- Column Names That Are Non-syntactic
- Creating a Tibble Using tribble()
- Tibbles in Action
- Matrices
- Creating Matrices
- Accessing Elements of a Matrix
- Matrix Computations
- Transpose and Matrix Multiplication
- Querying a Data Set
- Variable Exclusion I
- Variable Exclusion II
- Variable Exclusion III
- Querying Columns From a Tibble
- Querying Rows From a Tibble
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- The summarize() Function of dplyr
- Working With summarize()
- Using filter()
- summary() Function
Hands-On Exercise 2.1
- Advanced Summary Options
- Aggregate Examples I
- Aggregate Examples II
- Aggregate Examples III
- Aggregate Examples IV
- Data Preparation: Data Frame Manipulation—bind_rows()
- Data Preparation: Data Frame Manipulation—bind_cols()
Hands-On Exercise 2.2
Chapter 3: Data Transformation
- Cleaning and Transforming the Data
- Centering and Rescaling
- Centering and Rescaling II
- Normalizing
- Missing Values
- Missing Values
- Dropping Rows with Missing Entries
- Imputing Missing Values
- Binning
- Additional Recoding Options
- Multilevel Recoding
- The Function cut() in Action
- General Approach for Multilevel Variable Recoding I
- General Approach for Multilevel Variable Recoding II
- Checking for Duplicates and Formatting Dates
- Reordering a Data Set
- Reordering Examples I
- Reordering Examples II
- Reordering Examples III
- Sorting, Ranking, and Ordering Data
- Joining Datasets
- Inner Joins
- Left Joins
- Right Joins
- Getting a Subset of Data
- Another Example of Subset Function
- Sampling
Hands-On Exercise 3.1
Chapter 4: Visualizing Data
- Base Graphics
- Exploring Data Visualization
- Explore the options in qplot()
- Weather Data Set
- Simple Graph Plotting
- Graph Coloring With Attributes
- Shape and Size to Graph
- Box Plots and Violin Plots
- Histogram
- Density Plots
- Graph Labeling
- Pie Charts
- Co-relationship in Data
- Plotting Correlation of Three Variables
- Correlations for All the Numeric Variables
Hands-On Exercise 4.1
Chapter 5: Fitting Models to Data
- tidymodel
- Introduction to Regression
- When Is Regression Used?
- Sample Use Cases
- Dependent and Independent Variables
- Calculating Regression Equation
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Equation for Multiple Linear Regression
- R’s Built-In Function for Linear Regression
- Additional Linear Modeling functions
- Example: Predicting Prestige
- The Data Set
- Exploring and Preparing the Data
- Creating a Training and a Testing Data Set
- The Model
- Fitting a Linear Model to the Data
- Making Predictions From the Model
- Fitting the Model With Parsnip
- Interpreting the Model
- Interpreting the Model
- Evaluating the Model
- Evaluating the Model
- Evaluating the Model
- Tidying Up the Output
Hands-On Exercise 5.1
- choosing a selection results in a full page refresh